• hello@betweenfriendspublishing.com
  • ‪(478) 217-5734‬


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(478) 217-5734‬


Website Design

In today's digital age, establishing a strong online presence is essential for authors looking to connect with their readers and promote their work effectively. At Between Friends Publishing, we recognize the significance of a well-designed website in enhancing your online presence and providing a professional platform for showcasing your work. Our website design services are tailored to meet your specific needs, enabling you to create a compelling online presence that aligns with your author brand.


In the digital era, a strong online presence is necessary to effectively promote books, connect with readers, and establish a professional image.


Our website design services unlock the full potential of your online platform, establish a strong author brand, and effectively engage with your readership.

Our website design services encompass a range of options, from simple author websites to comprehensive author branding solutions. If you are looking for a clean and elegant online presence to showcase your books and share your story, we can create a visually appealing and user-friendly website that highlights your work and engages visitors. We pay meticulous attention to design elements such as layout, typography, color schemes, and imagery to ensure that your website conveys professionalism, creativity, and authenticity.

Web Design Pricing

Do you want a powerful online platform that showcases your work, connects you with your readers, and enhances your author brand? A well-designed website not only serves as a hub for your books and author information but also acts as a digital home where readers can engage with your content, sign up for newsletters, and stay informed about your latest releases and events.

  • Basic Package (Squarespace Personal Plan Hosting Required)

    $550 /

  • Homepage
  • About page
  • Blog page
  • Contact page
  • One Domain Name
  • SSL Certificate (Secure Site)
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Premium Package (Squarespace Business Plan Hosting Required)

    $850 /

  • Homepage
  • About page
  • Blog page
  • Contact page
  • Books (or Services) page
  • Events page
  • One Domain Name
  • SSL Certificate (Secure Site)
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Professional Website Email Address
  • e-Commerce Package (Squarespace Commerce Plan Hosting Required)

    $1,500 /

  • Homepage
  • About page
  • Blog page
  • Contact page
  • Books (or Services) page
  • Events page
  • Online Store (up to 20 product listings are included with package price. Any additional products will be added for an additional fee.)
  • One Domain Name
  • SSL Certificate (Secure Site)
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Professional Website Email Address
  • Accept Online Payments

Hosting services are not included with our web design services, though we can assist you in setting up your hosting account on Squarespace.

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